Working with drivers through Logosynthesis
presented by Mary o'Donoghue
Drivers in Transactional Analyses (Taibi Kahler 1975) are ways that we have learned to adapt to our environment when we were young. They are developed at an age when we can understand what is approved of and disapproved of by the grownups around us and we attempt to adapt to them and feel ok about ourselves and be accepted by the others.
There are 5 drivers - Please Others, Be Perfect, Be Strong, Try Hard, Hurry Up.
These drivers appear to function for the child but in adulthood they interfere with our adult to adult relationships, particularly under stress, when we revert to the child’s response to the world.
Through Logosynthesis, we can resolve these childhood beliefs, i.e, “If I make everyone happy then I will....”, “If I do things perfectly then ...”, “If I stay strong then I ...”, “ If I try hard then I....”, “ If I do things quickly then I ...”.
We can then function out of our adult reality of being kind and generous, structured and organised, stable under pressure, persevere, and speedy and efficient.
This programme will teach how to bring our awareness to our drivers and through Logosynthesis resolve the beliefs in order to live from our adult self.
The technique of the Ideal Model
presented by Astrid Klein Lankhorst
In Logosynthesis we neutralise obstacles that are in the way of the development of our Self,
However, as soon as we have neutralised the blocks that stand in our way, we may feel the need to look for new manners of behaving. We may have to learn new skills, we need models to guide us. One of the possible ways is to use the ‘Psychosynthesis Technique of the Ideal Model’. Psychosynthesis uses imagination to find new possible modalities.
In the Masterclass ‘The Path of Creation’ Willem Lammers has introduced the Logosynthesis protocol of ‘Dante’s Delight’. In this protocol we use the fact that everything in the Field is connected. We can contact fields in any place and time to connect to the energy, information and consciousness available regarding a certain desired state of mind or behaviour.
Both techniques are very useful and have lots in common. Astrid Klein Lankhorst will point out some new perspectives and together we will do some exercises.
The participants get more understanding of the working of imagination and the ‘sending and receiving’ sentences in Logosynthesis.
Transgenerational Trauma Transmission
presented by Suzanne von Blumenthal
Transgenerational transmission of a trauma is generally understood as the transmission of a trauma experience by a particular person to their children and subsequent generations. According to current knowledge, the transmission of traumas can take place in different ways, directly or indirectly, and with different effects and reactions on the part of those affected. The transmission of trauma experiences has been scientifically investigated in recent years on the basis of Holocaust survivors.
In order to explain how trauma experiences are passed on to the next generation, biological, psychoanalytical and systemic models are juxtaposed with the energetic perspective of logosynthesis. These transmitted traumas are in turn triggers in the following generation. Traumas are frozen energy in the field of the next generations. This individual will react on those incorporated energy blocks.
You will learn how to apply the Logosynthesis protocols in these situations. With Logosynthesis you can easily and efficiently neutralize these traumas.
The Self in a Color World
presented by Fabio Pierotti
"When you learn to look at the world in color, nothing will ever be the same again."
(Chris Cowan)
Colors are a metaphor for describing the different levels of complexity of the various energy fields in which human beings find themselves, live and act. In Clare W. Graves' Spiral Dynamics model, these complexities are called "value systems". This perspective, conditions the relations with the world, with the others and with oneself.
With Logosynthesis we recover the Sense of the life experience in which, often without awareness, we find ourselves. In this experience the power of words becomes dual:
- Words release intentional, Meaningful energy;